Friday, May 6, 2011

Temple Service Project

Tomorrow (Saturday!) we have been asked to help out planting the flowers and cleaning up at the Reno Temple to get ready for Spring! We need to be up at the Temple ready to work at 9am and so we will be leaving the Stake Center in Fallon at 7:30am and dropping by the church in Fernley at 8am. If you have them bring trowels, gloves, and a hat and sunscreen! Thanks in advance for serving!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

1st Annual "Spud"wood Derby
1st Prize goes to Eric and his spud, Nuke
2nd Prize goes to Andrew and his spud, Tortoise
3rd Prize also goes to Andrew and his other spud, Hare

Other prizes include:
Longest Distance: Rusty and his spud, The Natural
Most Fashion Forward: Erin and her spud, Argyle
Biggest Celebrity: Zac and his spud, Brittney Spears
Happiest: Rachel and her spud, The Rock
Most Dangerous: Megan and her spud, Tessie

Monday, April 4, 2011

FHE Tonight!

FHE tonight is in Fernley!

A carpool will be leaving the Taylor St building in Fallon at 6:25ish and FHE starts at 7pm in Fernley!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Battle of the Sexes

"Girls" vs Boys
The "Battle of the Sexes" was a close game with the boys being ahead most of the time but with the girls pulling through in the last minutes...

We would like to thank Adam, our honorary "girl-for-a-few-hours," for his help in the victory as well as everyone involved for their good sportsmanship and quite a few laughs!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Upcoming Activities!!

7th: FHE in Fallon @ 7pm, Relief Society room
12th: Battle of the Sexes Fallon @ 11am, Gym
20th: Fireside Fallon @ 6pm, planning meeting @ 5pm, Relief Society room
21st: FHE Fernley @ 7pm

4th: FHE in Fernley @ 7pm
9th: Saturday activity
17th: Fireside Fallon @ 6pm, planning meeting @ 5pm, Relief Society room
18th: FHE in Fallon @ 7pm, Relief Society room

Missionary Addresses!

I am hoping to update the Missionary Addresses on the right-hand side of the screen but I need YOUR HELP to collect them... (I would hate to forget someone) so if you could either respond to this post or email either the name of a missionary out from your ward and/or and address to me at that would be greatly appreciated!
